Monday, June 18, 2012

Zitface by Emily Howse Review

Hey guys! This is Lily again. :) A few weeks ago (yeah....I'm a lazy blogger) I finished this book. It's a quick read, I read in the matter of a couple of hours one afternoon, but it was still an excellent read. :)

WHAT THE BOOK WAS ABOUT: Olivia wakes up one morning with a pimple. She NEVER gets pimples. She's an actress/model. This cannot be happening to her! She's supposed to be the next Wacky Water Girl! While at the same time she's hitting things off with the new guy, J.W. She tries multiple things to cure her acne, but nothing seems to be helping. What will she do?
WHAT I LIKED ABOUT THE BOOK: It was very interesting and a good read. I always love reading books about girls about my age, so that's the main reason I liked this book.
WHAT I DIDN'T LIKE: I can't remember.....sorry!
MY LEAST FAVORITE CHARACTER: I don't know, in most books there is one person who I hate. But in this I kind of liked, or was okay, with everyone.
FAVORITE SCENE: Anything with JW. I love romance!
LEAST FAVORITE SCENE: Commercial filming, it got boring to me.
AGE I RECOMMEND: 11 and up.
RATING OUT OF FIVE: Four. It wasn't bad, it wasn't amazing.


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