Friday, May 18, 2012

Hey guys! This  is Lily here blogging again! I recently finished a book called Skin. I did have a different cover to my copy I borrowed from the library, but I looked it up. It's the same book. :)

WHAT THE BOOK WAS ABOUT: Donnie's sister Karen is dying to be thin. She has anorexia. But on top of that, his parents are fighting and his dad moved out "to be closer to his job." Everything is a mess in Donnie's eight grade life, his friends at school are ignoring him and all he wants to do is go back to that summer at the lake. Where everything was perfect. Except for his parents fighting. That's when it all started.
WHAT I DIDN'T LIKE: There was a lot of swearing. And for some reason I didn't like Chris and Bean. Also, did the sister have anorexia or cancer? I got kind of confused on that part, especially the part where they were at the hospital.
MY FAVORITE SCENE: Whenever Amanda was in a scene, I liked those scenes.
MY LEAST FAVORITE SCENE: All scenes with Chris and Bean.
MY FAVORITE CHARACTER: Amanda and Karen, I guess Donnie too. But since I'm a teenage girl, I liked reading the conversations between Amanda and Karen more so then I did with Donnie and his friends.
WHAT AGE I RECOMMEND IT FOR: Thirteen and up, maybe twelve. A character dies, there is a lot of swearing, disrespect, lying, hospitalizations, etc.
RATING OUT OF FIVE: Three. It was an okay book. I skimmed portions of it, mostly those with Chris and Bean.


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