Saturday, May 5, 2012

Sunrise By: Karen Kingsbury Review

Poppy here! I recently read a book called: Sunrise by: Karen Kingsbury. And I will tell you about it.

WHAT THE BOOK WAS ABOUT:   Dayne and Katy are planning their wedding and revelling in the relative obscurity living in Bloomington offers, even as they seek to hide the plans for their big day from the paparazzi. The realisation Dayne will still be required to film romantic scenes in his movies with other actresses places pressure on their relationship until Dayne comes up with a solution which has the power to either strengthen their relationship or destroy it.
WHAT I LIKED: I just love Karen Kingsbury as a writer! She just write so welly. (If thats a word...) So basically I loved it.
LEAST FAVORITE CHARACTER: Hmmm......... I don't know. Maybe, one of Cody's friends that drink...... I don't really know I guess.
Yeah. So I'm reading the book and I'm like. 'C'mon! I just the whole series that came after this series?!'


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