Sunday, April 29, 2012

Finding Her Way Home By: Linda Goodnight

Hi, it's Ivy. New review: Finding Her Way Home, A novel by Linda Goodnight.

WHAT WAS THE BOOK ABOUT: Cheyenne Rhodes,  an ex-cop needs a new place to start over, she has choosen a little town called Redemption, Oklahoma. She has come her to hide from her past not make friends. Single dad, Trace Bowman won't let Cheyenne hide from him. He knows she has a special way with his daughter Zoey. Cheyenne is a little overwelmed in Redemtion, and Trace must show her that she needs to stay.
WHAT I LIKED: I liked that Cheyene was a cop and she helped one person being abused.
WHAT I DIDN'T LIKE: During the whole book one person was being abused and I don't really know if the abused person and her husband needed to be in the book. I guess it caused drama, but it didn't really fit in for where the book took place.
FAVORITE CHARACTER: My favorite was probably Zoey. SPOILER ALERT, Zoey is blind.
LEAST FAVORITE CHARACTER: The abusive husband.
FAVORITE SCENE: I liked the scene when Cheyenne was teaching Zoey how to play the piano.
LEAST FAVORITE SCENE: There was this big scene where the abusive guy comes and hurts his wife, and Cheyenne.
AGE I WOULD RECCOMEND: Just because of the abuse I would say, 13.
RATING: I would say like 4 1/2 stars our of 5.

I loved this book!!

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