Sunday, April 29, 2012

Hana by Lauren Oliver Review

Hi guys! This is Lily posting. :) Today I have a review for you on the novella to Delirium by Lauren Oliver. It's called Hana. This book is pretty much Delirium but from Hana's POV, sort of like the unpublished Midnight Sun by Stephenie Meyer is like Twilight but from Edward's POV. To see my review of Delirium by Lauren Oliver, click here. I could find this book avabile on Amazon for my Kindle, so I just got that. I'm not sure if it's available in a paperback or hardcover copy.

WHAT THE BOOK WAS ABOUT: It's pretty much Delirium but from Hana's POV. It starts off in the middle of Delirium though, not at the beginning.
WHAT I LIKED ABOUT IT: I liked how it was told from Hana's POV and you got to see and learn more about Hana.
WHAT I DIDN'T LIKE: I didn't like how some of the events in that (also happened in Delirium) we're not included or were very minimal. Also it was very short, the estimated pages is only 63. I would of loved to read more from Hana's POV.
MY LEAST FAVORITE CHARACTER: Whatever her matches name is, I can't remember his name.
MY FAVORITE SCENE: When Hana meets Alex and Lena in the stock room at the Stop N Save.
MY LEAST FAVORITE SCENE: The golfing scene, I thought that scene was boring.
WHAT AGE I WOULD RECOMMEND IT FOR: Twelve and up, maybe thirteen and up. There is lots of kissing and hand holding (one brief sentence that talks about more then that, but nothing actually happens), there might be some alcohol drinking (I can't remember for sure) and characters sneak out past curfew plenty of times.
RATING OUT OF FIVE: Five! I loved this book just as much as I loved Delirium.

Thanks for reading and I HIGHLY recommend the entire trilogy, the second book in the series I will review tomorrow. :)


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