Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Full Circle By Mona Ingram Review


I just finished reading Full Circle by Mona Ingram. This a Kindle book. I don't have a Kindle, but I do have the Kindle app for my iPod, so I read Kindle books that way.

WHAT THE BOOK IS ABOUT: Bella and her boyfriend are doing pretty well until he announces that he's going to marry a different girl. So Bella moves to California where she gives birth to a beautiful baby girl without even telling her old boyfriend that she (or he) even has a daughter. This little girl is Bella's life, along with the woman and her daughter that she shares a house with. Bella's daughter is very interested in fashion and loves it when Bella will sew her clothes. This sparks a wonderful idea. When Bella and her housemate open up a stand at the local market selling clothes, this turns into a huge company. And they need help. So who will they hire to help them? How will Bella's daughter deal with growing up with out a father? What will happen if she meets her father? And worse, what if she meets her half brother?
WHAT I LIKED ABOUT THE BOOK: I like how I fell in love with the characters. I felt like I knew the characters. They were my best friends. When Bella was scared, I was scared. When Melissa was happy, I was happy. I honestly was sad when the book ended. But if this tells you anything, I started the book at probably 2:30 or 3:00 and was done with it by 6:00.
WHAT I DIDN'T LIKE ABOUT THE BOOK: I thought it was a bit unrealistic. There a scene when one of the main characters Mom dies. And the main characters Dad doesn't even hardly show any sadness. I felt that that was very unrealistic. And also, how realistic is to be come practically a millionaire over the summer and sell clothes to Hollywood's top celebrities kids? Also, they make this one character, Valeria, a somewhat main character in the beginning of the book and by the end of the middle of the book she's disappeared. At the end of the book I have no idea what happened to Valeria. Although I might of missed a page or something.
MY FAVORITE CHARACTER: Bella obviously. She's the main character! I also loved Sofia and Melissa. Melissa felt like she was my best friend and I've known her since preschool. I liked Valeria too though, although she kind of disappeared at the end of the book.
MY LEAST FAVORITE CHARACTER: Either Jeffrey or Jeffrey's wife. I think her name is Angela.
MY FAVORITE SCENE IN THE BOOK: Probably when Melissa give them the idea to sell clothes. 
RATING OUT OF FIVE STARS: Four and a quarter. I loved this book so much, but it was a bit unrealistic.
WHAT I AGE I RECOMMEND IT FOR: Probably 11 or 12. Although this books is an adult book there is no adult stuff in it, so it's fine for kids.


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