Friday, February 17, 2012

Introducing Book Bouquet Girls!

Hi we are three girls who love to read! We have started this blog to share all of the books we read with the Internet World.  We love reading all kinds of books especially MG (Middle Grade) and YA fiction books. We especially love realistic books and romance books.

Meet us, the Book Bouquet Girls Bloggers:
Poppy's favorites books are Little Women and Thirteen Little Blue Envelopes.
Ivy's favorite books are Sisterhood Of The Traveling Pants and Coffee House Angel.
Lily's favorite books are Twilight and The Hunger Games.

And the Moms would like to take parental control of the website are:
Violet's favorite books are Island Of The Blue Dolphins and I Know It's Over.
Honeysuckle's favorite books are Wicked Lovely and I Know It's Over.

Thanks so much for reading our blog!

Poppy, Ivy, Lily, Violet and Honeysuckle.


  1. Well Poppy, Ivy, Lily, Violet and Honeysuckle, this looks like an amazing blog! I'm following now! :)


  2. Yippe! Btw, I'm following.
