Thursday, February 23, 2012

Vamplayers By Rusty Fischer Review

Hi guys! This is Lily here! I just read a book on my Kindle iPod app called Vamplayers. I'll admit I was a little hesitant to read this book since it was about vampires, but I'm happy I did! I read Twilight and loved it, so I feel like no other vampire books are as good. And the vampires mythology in each book is always different, and since I'm so used to Stephenie Meyer's (Twilight author) vampire mythology, I don't always like to read other vampire books.

WHAT THE BOOK IS ABOUT: Lily is a member of The Sisters. She and her two 'sisters' goes around the world (or maybe it's just the country) protecting Innocents (humans/mortals) from Vamplayers. Vamplayers are bad vampires who like to start Infestations (they turn whole schools at a time.) But when she and her 'sisters' arrive at Nightshade School strange things start happening to Lily's sisters, so Lily has to try and identify the Vamplayer all by herself. But the Vamplayer might not be who she think it's is.
WHAT I LIKED ABOUT THE BOOK: I liked how I felt like I was in Nightshade school when Rusty (the author) was describing. I also liked how Lily was described, I felt like I knew her very well by the end of the book, which is a little surprising to me since the author is a man and his main character is a girl. He did a very good job because I didn't even notice that it was a male author until I was finished reading it.
WHAT I DIDN'T LIKE ABOUT THE BOOK: I didn't like how the author didn't describe very well what the 'Simulation House' was. I also didn't like that another vampires name was Alice. All I could picture this Alice as was the Alice from the Twilight Saga, so that was VERY confusing to me. I also felt like some of the scenes in the book were very confusing, I didn't always know exactly what was happening.
MY FAVORITE SCENE IN THE BOOK: I'm not going to say which character because that would give most of the plot of the story away, but I liked it when Lily realized that one character had no idea what she was (a vampire.)
MY FAVORITE CHARACTER: I liked Lily, obviously. Zander was cool too though.
MY LEAST FAVORITE CHARACTER IN THE BOOK: Bianca! I also didn't like Tristan that much, but I give the author praise for coming up with Tristan's character. But as a character in the book, I didn't like him.
WHAT AGE I RECOMMEND THE BOOK FOR: Probably 12 or 13 and up. The book was confusing in some spots, as it moved very quickly from scene to scene in some spots. Also the book had some gore and violence in at the end of the book when they were fighting/attacking. A few characters die, one characters melts (I think), two characters end up in a vampire like hospital, etc.
RATING OUT OF FIVE STARS: Probably 3 and a half stars to four stars. It was pretty good, but not the best book I've ever read.


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