Thursday, April 5, 2012

The Dirt by Lori Culdwell

Hi guys! Lily here! I recently read a book called The Dirt by Lori Culdwell.

WHAT THE BOOK WAS ABOUT:  Lucy's dad is about to get remarried, and the only reason she's excited is because once the wedding is over, she gets to move out of the dessert! The stupid place she's always hated. But when a mysterious girl crashes the wedding delivering some bad news, will Lucy still be able to go to her boarding school? Better off, will she want to go to boarding school still?
WHAT I LIKED ABOUT THE BOOK: I liked how this family was famous and celebrities, but they seemed normal still. Like the Kardashians kind of, but the oldest girl in the family is still in high school.
WHAT I DIDN'T LIKE ABOUT THE BOOK: The PG's that's just stupid that the NPG's put up with the PG's. I liked reading about it, but it's not very realistic. Also, you would think that Lucy's dad's wedding planner or whatever would of checked all the legal documents first and everything!
MY FAVORITE SCENE IN THE BOOK: I'm not exactly sure. Maybe when Sloane was giving Megan and Lucy makeovers and teaching them about fashion and beauty?
MY FAVORITE CHARACTER: Megan and Lucy are tied, I know it sounds weird to be on Megan's side, but I liked her as a character.
MY LEAST FAVORITE CHARACTER: Well towards the end Sloane, but other then that probably Lisa.
WHAT I RATE THE BOOK: Four and a half stars out of five.
WHAT AGE I RECOMMEND THE BOOK FOR: Probably 13 and up, maybe 12. SPOILER ALERT: One character (not the main character)is accused of doing and drugs and is sent to jail but then released because they learn it's not her, it's a different character. But it's not like that's the premise of the story, just a small (maybe 2 chapter?) part.


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