Sunday, April 8, 2012

Texas Whirlwind By: Bonnie Blythe Review

Ivy here! I have red a book By: Bonnie Blythe called  Texas Whirlwind.

WHAT IS IT ABOUT: Emma Hayes wants to set up a real life for her and her adopted Haitian twin daughters, in Texas. She compares her life to a tornado in Texas, a total mess. But when she runs into her old high school sweet heart that she left behind when she was a teen, she knows her life is a messed up. While taking on a custody battle against a couple who wants to take her daughters, she needs the help of Travis Taylor, again. Will she fall in love with the handsome Texan? Will she lose her daughters?
WHAT I LIKED: I liked that I was really pulled into the book. I couldn't put it down. I loved the way that Travis helped Emma through everything.
WHAT I DIDND'T LIKE: There were a few people that bothered me.
FAVORITE SCENE: That Emma and Travis sort of depended on each other.
LEAST FAVORITE SCENE: The court room when they were battling for custody, it was kind of sad.
FAVORITE CHARACTER: Probably Emma or the twins. The twins sounded so cute. Emma was so awesome.
LEAST FAVORITE CHARACTER: The people that bothered me.
AGE RECCOMD: I would say like 11-13. There isn't anything bad, but just for understanding the book, it can be confussing.
STARS: 5 stars all the way!!!! I loved this book!


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