Friday, April 27, 2012

Loving By: Karen Kingsbury Review

Hey! Poppy here! I recently read Loving by: Karen Kingsbury so I will tell you about it.

WHAT THE BOOK IS ABOUT:The answers Bailey Flanigan once longed and prayed for are finally becoming clear. In Loving, the fourth and final book in the Bailey Flanigan Series by New York Times bestselling author Karen Kingsbury, Bailey is planning a wedding and making decisions that will shape her future. Bailey enjoys the beginning of her new career and time spent with Brandon while Cody faithfully coaches his team on and off the field. But has she agreed to marry the right guy? Will she spend her life with Brandon Paul in Los Angeles, or will her heart draw her back to Bloomington, Indiana and Cody Coleman, her first love? Bailey has learned much and grown over the years, but the greatest challenges, the richest joys, and the deepest heartaches are still to come. 
WHAT I LIKED: EVERYTHING!!! When it was ending and on the final chapter, I was like: WHAT?!? THE SERIES IS JUST STARTING! THEY JUST GOT MARRIED! IT CAN'T END NOW!!!! But after I finished, I settled down.
FAVORITE CHARACTER: TEAM CODY! Oh yeah! He was my favorite character from the beginning. And then I absolutely LOVE Baily!
LEAST FAVORITE CHARACTER: Andi. Sorry! I just can't believe her!! SPOILER ALERT! She can't date Cody! NOOOOO!!
RATING: 6! This was probably the best book in the series in my opinion.


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