Saturday, April 21, 2012

Learning By: Karen Kingsbury Review

Hey!! Poppy here and I will tell you about a book called: Learning by: Karen Kingsbury that I recently read.

WHAT THE BOOK IS ABOUT:  Learning, book two in the series picks up where Leaving ended. Cheyenne is still in the hospital and Bailey is still in Broadway. Cody is coaching a high school football team..... in and off the field. Cody finds his past catching up to him. Can distance really make the heart grow fonder? Or will Cody turn to others in his happiness? And in the face of tragedy, who will be there to provide comfort? Find out in the next Bailey Flanigan book.
WHAT I DIDN'T LIKE: Spoiler alert!! That Cody and Bailey don't get back together! :(
FAVORITE CHARACTER: Team Cody all the way!!
LEAST FAVORITE CHARACTER: The musical directer person. She sounded kind of mean.
RATING: 7!!! Loved this more than i can describe!


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