Thursday, April 5, 2012

Leaving By: Karen Kingsbury Review

Hey! Poppy here! I recently read a book called, Learning By Karen Kingsbury and I will tell you about it !
WHAT THE BOOK WAS ABOUT:  When Bailey Flanigan gets an offer to go on Broadway and make her dreams come true, should she? Meanwhile, Cody Coleman starts to regret his decision about breaking up with Bailey in the first place. But in a life or death situation for Bailey and\or him and his mom would you have done the same thing?
WHAT I LIKED: Everything!
AGE I RECCOMEND: Maybe 11 or 12. Theres not really anything bad in it. But there maybe some parts that younger children might not understand.
RATING OUT OF FIVE STARS: 11!!! Loved this book very a lot!!


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