Saturday, March 10, 2012

13 Little Blue Envelopes By Maureen Johnson Review

Guess who? Ivy!! Hey everyone, another book I have read is 13 Little Blue Envolpes By: Maureen Johnson.

WHAT IS IT ABOUT: Ginny receives a package one day from her late Aunt, containing 13 little blue envelopes. She buys a ticket to London and goes on wild adventure all over Europe. Not only will these envelopes tell her about her aunt but will lead her to a new found love and a new life with a new uncle. What will happen on her adventure?
WHAT I LIKED:  That Ginny chose to go to London and follow the directions than just open up all the envelopes.
WHAT I DIDN'T LIKE: Some of the people she met were sort of creepy.
FAVORITE CHARACTER: Ginny and her uncle, they were the nicest people in the world.
FAVORITE SCENE: When she finds her aunts paintings.
LEAST FAVORITE SCENE: When she met this one creepy guy.
AGE  I RECOMMEND:  12 or 13 and up.
RATING: 5 stars.
It was a really good book.


1 comment:

  1. I picked this one up for my Kindle a while back when it was one of those free specials. Haven't gotten around to reading it yet, but it sounds really interesting and fun. Maybe I'll get to it sometime this summer! ;)
