Saturday, March 10, 2012

You Shouldn't Have To Say Goodbye By: Patricia Hermes Review

Hey everyone, it's Ivy, again! I have another book review. Patricia Hermes book, You Shouldn't Have To Say Goodbye.

WHAT IS IT ABOUT: Thirteen year old Sarah Morrow isn't to worried when her mom winces when Sarah hugs her. But Sarah find out that her mom is dying from cancer. She can't help but think, why is she dying? Mothers don't die, right? But her mom stays strong and tries to fight the cancer but the cancer has taken over her whole body. Sarah learns that her best friends mom is sick to and Robin, Sarah's friend helps her. This story is about love, courage and death. With Sarah learn to lean on her dad from now on?
WHAT I LIKED: The author told the story very well, the characters are described well, the surroundings, around the character was told very well as well. But what I liked the best is when her mom comes to her gymnastics show/
WHAT I DIDN'T LIKE: I didn't like Robin's mom, she was creepy.
MY FAVORITE CHARACTER: Probably Sarah. She was so strong and had the bravery of a hero. She helped her family through all the tough times and wasn't afraid to tell how she felt.
LEAST FAVORITE CHARACTER: Hmmm well I'm not sure, even though Robin's mom freaked me out I didn't like dislike her alot.
FAVORITE SCENE: When they have the Christmas party.
LEAST FAVORITE SCENE: When Sarah finds out about her mom being sick.
AGE RECOMMEND: Probably around the age of 10, you never to young to learn about the loss of a loved one.
RATING OUT OF 5 STARS: 5!! It was such a great book and it will make you cry.


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