Thursday, March 15, 2012

Yours Truly, Lucy B. Parker, Sealed With A Kiss Review

Poppy here! I just read another book and I will tell you about it.

WHAT THE BOOK IS ABOUT: Lucy B. Parker's frister (friend\sister) is going on set to shoot a movie. And Lucy goes with her. Lucy has some fun times and not so fun times like when Laurel starts acting all superstar-ish and she gets ignored. But what will she do when she finds out that a big superstar has a crush on her?
WHAT I LIKED: Again I liked how it basically sounded like realistic. Just the way that the author wrote the book I guess.
WHAT I DIDN'T LIKE: I liked everything. I have no complaints.
FAVORITE CHARACTER: I like Lucy. She just seems to talk and think the same way that girls do today.
LEAST FAVORITE CHARACTER: I don't like the "pap" (papparazi) at all. Their always snapping embarrassing pictures of Lucy when she's with Laurel.
FAVORITE SCENE: I thought it was funny how she freaked out because she had blue hair.
AGE I RECOMMEND: I would say 11 or 12. Because they do talk about how she has a crush.


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