Sunday, March 4, 2012

Hi everyone! It's Lily here! Recently I read a book called Skinny: A Novel by Laura L. Smith.

WHAT THE BOOK IS ABOUT:  Melissa is your average teenage girl. She's on the dance team and wants to be team captain, so with tryouts approaching, she wants to look and feel her best. And she thinks that she needs to lose weight in order to do that. So she develops an eating disorder, except she doesn't realize its an eating disorder.
WHAT I LIKED ABOUT THE BOOK: I liked how this book addresses the growing problem of eating disorders in teens. I also like how real Melissa seemed, and how real the dialogue between the characters was.
WHAT I DIDN'T LIKE ABOUT THE BOOK: I didn't like how Melissa went from practically eating nothing to eating a whole pizza (or a whole pizza slice, something like that) it just didn't seem realistic. If you had an eating disorder, you would start small, right?
MY FAVORITE CHARACTER: Melissa, but she is the main characters. I liked some of her friends too, which I can't remember their names right now! But I did read this book like last week or the week before, so some of the names I can't remember!
MY LEAST FAVORITE CHARACTER: The dance coach. He seemed kind of rude. I also didn't like Beau in parts of the book.
MY FAVORITE SCENE: My favorite scene was probably when Melissa got help.
MY LEAST FAVORITE SCENE: My least favorite scene was probably when Melissa binged and purged (she threw up) that pretty really disgusting.
WHAT AGE I RECOMMEND THE BOOK FOR: 11 or 12. Eating disorders are a serious issue, so I don't think kids younger then 11 or 12 would understand it and might even be a little scared by them, or just wouldn't get why they are so serious.
RATING OUT OF FIVE STARS: Four stars. The book was really good, but because of the reasons I gave in the 'WHAT I DIDN'T LIKE' section, made me rate it five stars.

Well that's all for now!


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