Thursday, March 8, 2012

Heart Of Gold by: Lacy Williams Review

Hi Ivy here! So I just red this new book Heart Of Gold; a novel by Lacy Williams.

WHAT IS THE BOOK ABOUT: It is 1902 in Wyoming. Opal Bright is returning home to her father, the father she never knew. When Opal was 6 she was sent to live with her Aunt, Opal never understood why her father sent her away. Now Opal is back, she wants one thing, Gold. Charlie Welch, the head ranch hand of Opal's fathers ranch, knows what Opal wants and is trying to convince her there isn't any gold. Opal isn't buying. While Opal is trying to return home, Charlie goes after her and they are caught by bandits that want to gold that Opal has. They escape from the bandits and hide in a old coal mine. While Charlie is falling with Opal, and Opal falls in love with him, they find the one thing that Opal wants. Will she leave Charlie or will she stay with her one true love?
WHAT I LIKED: I liked that Opal is trying to find gold for the orphange back where she lives.
WHAT I DIDN'T LIKE: I didn't like that the Dad was sooooo mean!
MY FAVORITE CHARACTER: Opal, She wanted to save the orphange and wouldn't let anyone stand in her way.
FAVORITE SCENE: When they are stuck in the cave together and are falling in love.
LEAST FAVORITE SCENE: When Opal's father and Charlie reveal a secret.
WHAT AGE RECCOMENDED: I would say probably like 12 and up.
RATING OUT OF 5 STARS: 4 1/2 because of the things I didn't like.
It was a great book ecspecially if you like romance!


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