Friday, March 9, 2012

Aimee's Gift By: Kathleen Sprout Review

Ivy has another review for you!! A book called Aimee's Gift!

WHAT IS IT ABOUT: Aimee abandoned God and feels like God has abandon her when a tragic accident leaves her with inner and outer scares. When all of a sudden horrid things keep happening to the small migrant immigrant, Hispanic community she befriends a single newspaper reporter. Luke Forsythe, only knows Aimee from when he was called late at night to help a man being beaten. They keep having frequent phones calls and Luke begins to fall in love with the woman over the phone. But when Aimee goes missing and her secrets are revealed will Luke still feel the same way about her?
WHAT I LIKED: I liked that Aimee gives her surgery money to a little girl instead of using for her self.
WHAT I DIDN'T LIKE: I didn't like that they didn't use the quotient marks good. For example: "Luke smiled to himself. It didn't make sense since he wasn't talking.
FAVORITE CHARACTER: Maria, she seemed so cute and nice.
LEAST FAVORITE CHARACTER: That deputy guy! He was nasty
FAVORITE SCENE: When Aimee meets Luke on the sledding hill.
LEAST FAVORITE PART: When the fire burnt little Maria.
RELIGION: Christian
AGE I WOULD RECOMMEND: Probably 10 and up!
RATING OUT OF 5 STARS: 4 just because of the weird writing.

Over all it was a really good book.


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