Sunday, March 18, 2012

Diary Of Ma Yan Book Review

Hi guys! This is Lily again! I recently read a book called Diary Of Ma Yan by Ma Yan. The book is actually a diary of a Chinese schoolgirl translated into English, so it's really cool.

WHAT THE BOOK WAS ABOUT: It was Ma Yan's diary so it was pretty much just about her life. Several times she was concerned she wouldn't be able to ever go to school again, several times she's starving of hunger, and her mother is sick. The book is really cool and it's really neat how it teaches you a lot about China.
WHAT I LIKED ABOUT THE BOOK: I liked that it was real and how it taught me about China, mostly Chinese currency. The publishers also stopped the diary every once in a while to explain somethings about China and Ma Yan's life and culture.
WHAT I DIDN'T LIKE ABOUT THE BOOK: Some things were kind of confusing and the book got very boring sometimes, since it was just a diary. Some days of your life are boring and some are interesting.
MY LEAST FAVORITE PERSON IN THE BOOK: I don't know. I didn't not like any of them. Maybe one of her teachers that was mean? I don't really know.
MY FAVORITE SCENE IN THE BOOK: I'm not really sure. I liked a lot of scenes.
MY LEAST FAVORITE SCENE: When she was so hungry and didn't have any fen or yuan (money in China) to buy any food. That was so sad.
WHAT AGE I WOULD RECCOMEND THE BOOK FOR: Probably nine and up, maybe ten. There isn't anything bad in the book that I can recall, except one of her teachers is kind of mean and hits the students. Also it might be hard for some kids reading it to know how hungry she was, she was literally starving.
RATING OUT OF FIVE: Four stars. It wasn't awesome, but it wasn't bad either.

Well that's all for now. Sorry the cover picture is so blurry! :)


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