Sunday, March 11, 2012

A Bride For Pastor Dan By: Katie Crabapple Review

Poppy here! I recently read this book and I will tell you about it!

WHAT THIS BOOK WAS ABOUT: Dan has been looking for a wife since he got out of pastor school. Anna is a woman who thinks that she is a girl who has nothing to offer to any man especially Pastor Dan. But what happens when he proclaims his love for her, will she accept him or run away?
WHAT I LIKED: I liked that it was a super short read. I think it was 15,000 words.
WHAT I DIDN'T LIKE: I didn't like that the story just left you hanging. That annoys me when authors do that.
AGE I RECOMMEND: It depends on what your mom or dad says. It doesn't have anything inappropriate and it doesn't have any swear words.
RATING: Well, since it kind of made me mad that it left me hanging then I say it is a 3 stars.


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