Thursday, March 8, 2012

Crispens Point By: Johannah Reardon Review

Hey everyone! It's Poppy here! I recently read a book called Crispens Point and I will tell you about it.

WHAT THE BOOK WAS ABOUT: Charolotte moves to Crispens Point to get away from her past. Pastor Gordon is determined to stay a bachelor. But when they discover that they have feelings for each other why will they do?
WHAT I LIKED: I liked how she was a romance writer and young girls came to her for advice on relationships when she wasn't even dating anyone.
WHAT I DIDN'T LIKE: I didn't like that when someone would think something, it would be in quotation marks. like: "Oh great." So like when they would think something you wouldn't know if someone said it or thought it.  And sometimes she spelled a word wrong. Like she said: "Oh know."
RELIGION: Christian.
FAVORITE SCENE: I liked it when the pastor stood outside Charlotte's house behind a bush in a tornado.
AGE I RECOMMEND: I would probably say 11 and up. A teenager is pregnant and one is bulimic.
RATING OUT OF FIVE STARS: Probably 2 and a half. It was a good book but sometimes I couldn't understand it very well.


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