Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Divergent By Veronica Roth Review

Hi guys! This is Lily here! Despite having misprints in the book and having to exchange it for another one, I finished this book! I started it on Friday afternoon and finished the entire book (along with bonus materials and a preview of the next book) a few hours ago, Monday afternoon. And it's a thick book, so that can only tell you how much I loved the book- Divergent by Veronica Roth.

WHAT THE BOOK WAS ABOUT: Beatrice (Tris later on) lives in a future world, much like The Hunger Games sort of world. A dystopia. When you turn sixteen in this world, you go through a test to find out which faction you should join. The factions are groups of people who live in the same area of the future of Chicago. There is no more religion or anything like that, just factions. The factions are based what you think tore the old society apart. Example, one faction called the Abnegation, think that being selfish tore the old society apart. Anyways, so when Beatrice turns sixteen, she does the test and gets very unusual results. She then picks her faction and goes through training to be a member of that faction. But not everybody gets to be members. Some people will live factionless.... which is sort of like today's version of a hobo. 
WHAT I LIKED ABOUT THE BOOK: I liked almost everything. Veronica Roth, the author, described everything very nicely. Even though going through the training in that world, I would like to do it one day. And then be able to return back here. You know that you've read a good book when you want to meet the characters, and when you want to visit their world. Hopefully I will be cured with that in the future, because it's going to be a movie next year or the year after!
WHAT I DIDN'T LIKE ABOUT THE BOOK: Just like in The Hunger Games, there were A LOT of side characters. I don't mind that because it makes it seem more real, but I don't like it because it's hard to keep all the characters straight. The authors also used the word/phrase/term "I bite my lip" A LOT! Beatrice would talk and then bite her lip, walk into a room and bite her lip,  I swear I don't know how the girls lip wasn't bleeding all the time! Also I got TWO misprinted copies, but oh well. It's not the authors fault, just the publishing comapnies.
MY FAVORITE CHARACTER: Oh gosh this is a hard one. Beatrice (Tris) because she's the main character. But I really like Christina, Tori and Four too. 
MY FAVORITE SCENE: Probably a scene that if I told you it, it would be a spoiler so I'm not going to say. But it's the last twenty five percent of the book! ;)
MY LEAST FAVORITE SCENE: The last few scenes of the book actually. I feel like they didn't explain why exactly everything was happening. I'm not going to ruin it, but I didn't really get why they were fighting. Maybe it's just me, but I didn't really understand it much.
WHAT AGE I RECOMMEND IT FOR: 12 or 13 and up. The book has A LOT of fighting and cruelness in it, even more then The Hunger Games. The people swear sometimes, and a few other things.
RATING OUT OF FIVE: Six! Excellent book, I cannot wait for the sequel to come out in May! I think I might die waiting......


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