Friday, March 16, 2012

Exodus By Julie Bertagna Book Review

Hi guys! This is Lily posting! :) I recently read a book called Exodus by Julie Bertagna.

 WHAT THE BOOK WAS ABOUT: Mara, the protagonist in the book, is living in the year 2099. All of Earth's ice caps have melted or on the verge of melting. The last island left is Mara's and the sea is about to take that too. She is forced to take some of the residents of her island to safety- a new city the sky- a place called New Mungo.
WHAT I LIKED ABOUT THE BOOK: I liked the beginning of the book how Mara was describing that computers were ancient and how different the world could be in less then 100 years.
 WHAT I DIDN'T LIKE ABOUT THE BOOK: To be honest, I didn't like most of it. I'll just sum up some of the things that I didn't like. The names were horrible and terribly confusing. For any of you that have read The Hunger Games, I know you're thinking how could the names be any worse, but listen to these: Candleriggs, Gorbals, Wing, Caledon, Treenester, Tain, Tony Rex,Pollock Halfgood? It was very confusing. I also didn't like how it started off as dystopian fiction, but then sort of morphed into a fantasy novel. It was very weird. Also the writing just plain out wasn't very good.
MY FAVORITE CHARACTER:  Mara probably, maybe Tain? Possibly even Wing.
MY LEAST FAVORITE CHARACTER: Candleriggs! I just hate that name! But otherwise probably Tony Rex.
MY FAVORITE SCENE: The ones in the first few pages.
MY LEAST FAVORITE SCENE: Most of the rest of the book, but mostly the last one.
RATING OUT OF FIVE STARS: Two. It just flat out wasn't a very good book, at least to my opinion.
AGE I RECOMMEND IT FOR: Ten and up probably. Maybe even nine. There's nothing bad in the book I can remember except for a one or two sentence murder towards the end of the book. But it is very confusing and really makes you think hard about the future of our planet.

Well that's all for now, but you can expect a review on the book Divergent by Veronica Roth coming up soon! I just picked it up today and am already loving it!


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