Thursday, March 8, 2012

The Allegra Biscotti Collection By: Olivia Bennet Review

Poppy here! I just read the book called: The Allegra Biscotti Collection By: Olivia Bennet and I will tell you about it.

WHAT THE BOOK WAS ABOUT: Emma Rose is fourteen years old and is in love with clothes. most people would say that when they first see people they notice thier faces but Emma Rose notices what thier wearing sometimes she doesn't even look t their faces. Her dad owns a Lace store and Paige Young is having her wedding and needs lace on her dress. (She is a Clothes Magazine Editor person and super famous in the fashion world.) She sees some of Emma's dresses and instantly falls in love with them. When Paige asks Emma where they are from will Emma tell the truth or make a secret identity? That's when Allegra Biscotti is born.
WHAT I LIKED ABOUT THE BOOK:  I liked that she was best friends with a boy and she didn't like have a crush on him or anything.
WHAT I DIDN'T LIKE: Again I didn't like that when someone would think something it would do the slanty thingy like this.
MY FAVORITE SCENE: When a soccer was accidentally kicked into her lap and she was sitting there like she was frozen in time. And then when the soccer team left, her friend said, "'Why did you just sit there liked you got tazed or something?'"
AGE I RECCOMEND: I guess you could be 10 if your parents say that you can read it. She has a crush and she does say 'Oh, God." like one time.
RATING OUT OF FIVE STARS: 5 stars!!!! I guess I liked it more because I love fashion. But I think that even though you might not like fashion you still could like it. But sometimes it was a little hard to understand when she would talk about when she was sewing something.


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