Sunday, March 4, 2012

Color Me Dark: A Dear America Book Review

Poppy here! I just read a book called Color Me dark. And I will do a review on it for you.

WHAT THE BOOK WAS ABOUT: Nellie Lee Love is an eleven year old girl that is growing up in 1919. As she grows up and matures, she learns why some of the white people do to colored people. when the war ends, she faces some sad things that happen to colored people in her family.
WHAT I LIKED: I liked that instead of having the author write scenes, she wrote diary entries. Because then it feels like the girl is talking to you instead of the author.
WHAT I DIDN'T LIKE: Not a lot really.
MY FAVORITE SCENE: When the aunt pulled people from the street into the grand opening of the funeral home.
AGE I RECOMMEND: Probably 11 and up. There is a person who gets stoned because he crosses the "line".  And the girl talks about people getting beat up and shot and stoned.
RATING OUT OF FIVE STARS: Five stars. I really liked this book and I recommend it to anyone who  is looking for a good read the you can't put down.


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